Curly Braces or brackets
Only when you are listing should you use commas between adjectives. Hope this helped :)
75,251 in western notation. 75 251 in British notation. Commas are reserved for the decimal point in eastern notations.
Name the set of 6 consecutive integers starting with -3. (Put the set in braces { } and put commas between the elements of the set.)
The commas between numbers in place value are commas.
Curly Braces or brackets
Only when you are listing should you use commas between adjectives. Hope this helped :)
i think a good example would be PUICE
Yes, you would separate a person's titles with commas when listing multiple titles, like "The Reverend, Dr. John Smith."
Commas are typically used to separate elements in an address such as the street, city, state, and zip code. For example, in the address "123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345," commas are used to separate the street, city, and state elements.
Use a comma to separate items in a list. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. Use commas to set off introductory elements in a sentence. Use commas to separate non-essential or parenthetical elements within a sentence.
1 000 000 000. Years ago there used to be commas where the spaces are
Commas should be used after the first term, stopping at the "and" of the last term, if you don't use oxford commas. For example: There was a dog, cat, bird, fish and monkey. If you do use oxford commas, the comma goes before the and, as well: There was a dog, cat, bird, fish, and monkey. You never use the comma before the last term.
Charlie understands commas through his programming, which includes rules and patterns for interpreting written language. Commas are used to separate elements in a sentence, such as items in a list or clauses, and Charlie is trained to recognize these patterns to assist with understanding and generating text.
Some rules in punctuating written text :Use a full stop (period) at the end of the sentence - only titles and some acronyms should normally use abbreviations within a sentence.Use commas for a break or making a list. Commas can provide a natural pause between lengthy clauses.Only use question marks if you are asking a question. (In US usage, question marks must stand alone - no period - even when a sentence ends with a quotation.)Use exclamation marks for strong emotion.Use brackets for a word when it follows its description.Use brackets to interpolate words within a quotation. (e.g. "The doctor did not see [the injury to] his leg.")(see related link)