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Q: A pound of coffee beans yields 47 cups of coffee 4 cups equals 1 How many milliliters of coffee can be obtained from 1 of coffee beans?
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A pound of coffee beans yields 50 cups of coffee How many millimeters of coffee can be obtained from 1 gram of coffee bean?

assuming a 250 ml cup of coffee ou wil get 27.5 mls of coffee per gram of beans 2.2lbs = 1 kg of coffee 2.2 lbs = 110 cups x 250 mls = 27500 mls / 1000 grams (1 kg) = 27.5 mls

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The Answer:Adding the 2 numbers yields: 1424374656676.

What is the arrow read as in chemical equations?

It reads as "Yields." The equation is set up as (reactants) (Yield Sign) (Products).

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8.5 multiplied by itself yields the answer 72.25

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2NaH2 + O2 yields 2Na + 2H2O

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reacting to form

If 25.0 ml of 1.48m h2so4 can be neutralized with 27.29 ml of koh what is the molarity of the koh?

25 milliliters of the solution has . 037 moles of H2SO4. The neutralization reaction is H2SO4 + 2 KOH yields 2 H2O + K2SO4. So, . 074 moles of KOH are required. This equals 2. 71 mL of solution.

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Black lacquer is obtained from the varnish tree that yields a toxic exudation. The chemical name of black lacquer is pyroxylin.

How many cups of espresso does a typical espresso coffee machine yield?

The amount of cups of espresso yield by a typical espresso coffee machines varies on the type of machine used and the type of coffee bean. Certain machines yields only one while others can yield up to five.

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we have -3q=5 so dividing both sides of the equation by -3 yields q=-5/3.

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it would all depend on your stride. a person's stride of 24 inchs yields 40 steps for 80 feet while a person's stride of 36 inches yields 16.6 steps for 80 feet