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A rectangle.

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Q: A quadrilateral has three equal angles what type of quadrilateral would it be?
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Can a quadrilateral have three acute angles and one right angle?

No, a quadrilateral can't have three acute angles and one right angle. The angles of a quadrilateral must total 360. The three other angles of a quadrilateral with one right angle would then have to total 270 degrees. If all three were acute (less than 90 degrees), they could not total 270.

What quadrilateral has no equal angles and its opposite sides are parallell?

It is not possible for a quadrilateral in Euclidean plane geometry to have no equal angles and still have its opposite sides parallel.It's possible for a quadrilateral to have no equal angles and two of its sides parallel (opposite ones, obviously; adjacent sides can't possibly be parallel). That would be a trapezoid.

What quadrilateral has 3 equal angles?

There is no specific name for one with 3 equal angles. All the interior angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360°. So you would have 3A + B = 360. Where angles A = C = D. Now a rectangle has 4 equal angles (90°), so it also has 3 equal angles. And just happens to have the 4th angle equal the other 3.To visualize a quadrilateral with only 3 equal angles: take a square ABCD, and stretch angles A,C & D to 91°. Now angle B will equal 87°.

What is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles all equal in length?

If you mean all right angles are equal in MEASURE, then this would be a square or a rectangle, but if you meant 4 right angles and 4 sides of equal length then that would be a square.

What does a trapezoid with three right angles look like?

A trapezoid can't have three right angles. A quadrilateral with three right angles must have a total of four right angles, since a quadrilateral's interior angles add up to 360. 360 - (3*90) = 90, so the fourth angle would have to be right as well. A quadrilateral with four right angles is not a trapezoid; instead it is a rectangle or a square.

How many right angles can a quadrilateral have?

a quadrilateral can have from 0 to 4 right angles. But it can't have exactly three right angles. The interior angles of a quadrilateral sum to 360 degrees. If it had three right angles and x were the measure of the fourth angle: 3*90+x=360 x=360-270=90 So if it has three right angles, the fourth angle would be a right angle as well.

What characteristics would make you classify a quadrilateral as a rhombus and not a square?

It has 2 opposite equal obtuse angles and 2 opposite equal acute angles whereas a square has 4 equal angles of 90 degrees

What is A quadrilateral four right angles and opposite sides that are equal and parallel?

A quadrilateral with four right angles and opposite sides that are equal and parallel is called a rectangle.

Why can't a quadrilateral have no more than three obtuse angles?

The sum of all the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees. If it had more than three obtuse angles, then it would have all four angles greater than 90 degrees so that their sum would be greater than 360 degrees.

What does equiangular mean?

Equiangular means "having equal angles" or "with all angles equal" or the like. An equilateral triangle (a triangle having all 3 sides the same length) is equiangular. Each of it's interior angles is 60 degrees. A quadrilateral (a 4-sided figure) that is equiangular would have to have each of its interior angles equal to 90 degrees, and the quadrilateral would then have to be a rectangle.

A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides but with angles of unequal measures?

A rhombus would fit the given description.

What quadrilateral has four equal sides and opposite angles cogruent?

A square would fit the given description.