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That's power.

P = FS (theta)/T; where F is force, S is distance, T is time, and theta is the angle between F and S.

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Q: A quantity that depends on force distance and time is called?
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Which is a scalar quantity a. displacement b. distance c. force d. acceleration?

b. distance is a scalar quantity.

What do you call the quantity force times diastance?

The quantity "force x distance" is called energy. Force is in general a Quaternion consisting of a scalar force f and a vector force F ( [f,F]); likewise "distance" scalar d and vector displacement D ( [d,D]). The quantity [f,F][d,D] =[fd -F.D, fD + Fd + FxD] is called a Quaternion energy. fd is the scalar energy, -F.D is the parallel scalar energy, fD and fD is the vector energy and FXD is the perpendicular vector energy. Force x distance is energy and can change the energy content.

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it is complicated

What is a quantity that measures the effects of a force acting over a distance?

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In physics, moment is a combination of a physical quantity, like force, and a distance. For example, a moment of force is the product of of a force and its distance from an axis, which causes rotation about the axis.

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What quantity is calculator by multiply the fore on an object by the distance the object moves while the force is applied?

That is called "work"; it refers to a transfer of mechanical energy.

What is the scientific definition of force?

Pressure depends on the quantity of force exerted and the area over which the force is exerted

Is power a vector quantity or a scalar quantity?

vector, power= work/time and work= force * distance, force is vector.

What 2 things does an electric force depend on?

Force between charges depend on the quantity of charge and distance between them

The strength of an electric field depends on the?

Electric field strength depends on direction and magnitude because it is a vector quantity.