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I usually start with the definition of work: Work = force * distance


Force = work / distance

Distance = work / force

So, no. You had it backwards.

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Q: If force is work divided by distance then distance is force divided by work?
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What does work divided by force equal?

Work divided by force equals distance. This equation is based on the formula for work, which is work = force x distance. By rearranging the formula, you get distance = work/force.

How do you find distance in the formula work equals force times distance?

To find distance in the work formula, you can rearrange the formula to distance equals work divided by force. This allows you to calculate the distance by dividing the work done by the force applied.

What is the equation for force using work?

The equation for force using work is: Work = Force x Distance. This equation relates the amount of work done to the force applied over a certain distance.

What does force divided by distance equal?

Work is force times distance. A Force divided by Distance: looking at the units, Force = newtons = kg m / s^2 = mass x length / time^2 so ML/T^2 Distance = m = length so L Force/Distance = (ML/T^2)/L = ML/LT^2 = M/T^2 So the units of a force divided by distance are mass/ time^2 This would be the rate of change of mass change with respect to time.

What is output work divided by output force?

Output distance is.

How do you find power from force distance time and work?

Power = (work) divided by (time) If you don't know the amount of work, you can calculate it. Work = (force) times (distance).

What formula do you need to solve for distance if given foce and work?

The formula for finding work is: Work = force X distance. To find distance, you must divide both sides by force. After simplifying the equation, the new equation will read: distance = work divided by force

I understand distance divided by time is the formula to calculate work How can I show an example to apply the formula?

Work is not defined as distance/time, but rather: work= force x distance Distance divided by time will give you velocity. Displacement (or distance traveled) = velocity x time

What is the formula for determining force and work and power?

Force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration (F=ma). Work is calculated as force multiplied by distance traveled in the direction of the force (W=Fd). Power is the rate at which work is done, calculated as the work done divided by the time taken to do it (P=W/t).

What is the word for the rate in time and distance at which a force is produced?

The word for the rate in time and distance at which a force is produced is "power." Power is the measure of how quickly work can be done by a force, and it is calculated by multiplying force by distance divided by time.

If the formula to calculate work is distance divided by time how do you apply the formula?

You would have a very tough time, because that isn't the formula to calculate work. (distance) divided by (time) is the formula to calculate speed. The formula to calculate work is: (force) multiplied by (distance).

How can you tell if a force you exert is doing work?

Work is done when a force is exerted on an object and that force causes the object to move in the direction of the force. If the object moves, then work is being done. The work done is calculated as the product of the force applied and the distance the object moves in the direction of the force.