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i am testing a independent variable for my plant it was worth

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Q: A sentence for independent variable
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Independent and independent variable in sentence?

Changes in the independent variable are independent of changes in any other variable,

A sentence using the word independent variable?

We used 3 kinds of soaps in the experiment, which each was an independent variable.

How do you use manipulative variable in a sentence?

My manipulated variable was affected by the independent variable.

A sentence for the word dependent variable?

In an experiment you uses a independent and dependent variable.

A sentence with the word dependent variable?

"If y=2x, then x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable." Also, " If x=y/2 then y is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable". Also, "The dependent variable is the one variable which is found by giving values to all the independent variables"

Independent variable in a sentence?

The independent variable in an experiment is the one that is manipulated in order to test a hypothesis. There will also be a control used in order to make sure that the variable is doing what it is supposed to.

Sentence for manipulated variable?

In an experiment, the manipulated variable is also known as the independent variable. An example of the term "manipulated variable" in a sentence would be, "The scientist sincerely hoped that the manipulated variable would produce a reaction in the dependent variable."

Use independent variable in a sentence?

The independent variable in an experiment is the one that is manipulated in order to test a hypothesis. There will also be a control used in order to make sure that the variable is doing what it is supposed to.

What is the manipulating variable the dependent variable or the independent variable?

The independent variable.

A sentence for the word independent variable?

Two variables are called independent when whatever change in one of them do not influences the value of the other.

The variable which is deliberately changed in experiment?

Independent, it is in the name, more variables are: dependant variable- the one you keep the same control variable- mearsuring variable

What is the test variable (independent variable) in the experiment?

The independent variable.