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it is a tessellation

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Q: A tiling pattern that covers a plane without overlapping?
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What is a repeating pattern of figures that covers a plane without gaps or overlaps?


What is a name for a tiling pattern?

the name for a tiling pattern is a TPattern.

What is a pattern of closed figures that covers a surface with no gaps or overlaps?

Either "tiling" or "tesselation" is the usual term used.

A pattern of shapes that has no gaps or overlapping is a?

A pattern of shapes that has no gaps or overlapping is called a tessellation. Tessellations are arrangements of closed shapes that completely cover a surface without any overlaps or gaps. They can be created using a variety of shapes, such as triangles, squares, hexagons, or even more complex shapes. Tessellations can be found in art, architecture, and mathematics, and have been studied for centuries for their aesthetic and geometric properties.

What is a DNA tiling array?

A DNA tiling array uses overlapping DNA fragments. Hundreds of thousands of genomic fragments can be can be spotted onto a glass slide. In most tiling arrays, RNA samples are still hybridized to the slide just like a cDNA array.

Can a diamond and square make a tiling pattern?


Can a hexagon form a tiling pattern?


What is a synonym for tessellation?

Tessellation is the filling of a plane area with non-overlapping plane shapes, or tiles. A synonym could be tiling, or wallpapering, or honeycomb.

Can you make a tiling pattern with circles?

no you can not because it is round

What does tessellate mean in math?

Tessellation is a pattern of shapes without gaps or overlapping shapes. Examples would be floor tiles, bricks, ceiling tiles etc.

Does a rectangle tesselate?

Yes, rectangles tesselate. A tessellation is a tiling pattern.

What are the five main of tessellation?

Tessellations are interesting and make for an interesting piece of art. There main types are normal tiling, monohedral tiling, isohedral tiling, penrose tiling, and voronoi tiling.