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You start by converting that to kilometers per hour, which would be 48 kilometers per hour. An hour contains 60 seconds, and to convert to smaller units of time, you divide, so 48/60 is 0.8 kilometers per minute.

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Q: A train travels at a speed of 30 miles per hour If 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers how fast is the train traveling in kilometers per minute?
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The distance a car can cover in 1 minute depends on its speed. For example, if a car is traveling at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, it can cover 1 kilometer in 1 minute.

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If we divide 575 kilometers by 50 minutes we can find how fast the plane travels per minute.575/50 = 11.5We know the plane travels 575 in 50 minutes, but we need to know how far it travels in 60 minutes. Knowing that it travels 11.5 kilometers per minute, we can multiply that by 10 and add it to 575.11.5*10=115115 + 575 = 690 km

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where can I get discount cruise ?

There are several websites that offer discounted cruise trips, especially for last minute travels. I've always had good luck with, they have huge discounts if you're traveling last minute.