

Best Answer

Ambien 5 mg, dispense 30, one every day at bed time with 5 refills.

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Q: Ambien 5 mg 30 qd at bed time refills 5?
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no 10 mg

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8:30pm or 9:30

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about 20 to 30 min

How do you get to bed the right time?

If you go to bed at 9:00 you should go to bed at 8:30 then you get uP for high school on time. If you like to stay up late go to bed at 8:00

What do the government monitor?

What time you go to bed. My grandma told me that if you stay up past your bed time, they will arrest you. I always try to get to bed 5 minuets before 8:30.

What time does nat and alex wolff go to bed?

nat has to go to bed when his homework is done and alex has to go to bed at 9:30 on weekdays

What is the average sleep time for a 13 year old boy?

I'm 13 and i have a bed time but my bed time isn't until 10 o'clock so i think a 13 year old should have a bed time between 10 and 10:30