Yes - if you define an equilateral triangle as one in which at least two sides are equal.
The special thing about an equilateral triangle is that all sides are the same length and all three angles are 60 degrees. It is a special case of the isosceles triangle.
An equilateral triangle can also be called a "regular" triangle
One, except in the special case where the triangle is also equilateral (in which case, three).
Not ... exactly. It would be closer to accurate to say that an equilateral triangle is a special case of the isosceles triangle.All equilateral triangles are (also) isosceles; but most isosceles triangles are not equilateral.
Every isosceles triangle. An equilateral triangle is a special case of an isoceles triangle
Yes. In this case, the isosceles triangle would more specifically be an equilateral triangle - this can be considered a special case of an isosceles triangle.
An isosceles triangle has at least two congruent sides. An equilateral triangle has three congruent sides. So, an equilateral triangle is a special case of isosceles triangles. Since the equilateral triangle has three congruent sides, it satisfies the conditions of isosceles triangle. So, equilateral triangles are always isosceles triangles. Source:
NO but every Equilateral triangle is an Isosceles triangle. That is the difference . Isosceles triangles have only 2 sides the same length. Equilateral have ALL 3 sides the same length which means that they must have 2 sides the same length, so they are a very special case of an Isosceles triangle. That is why they have a special name - Equilateral meaning 'all sides equal'. The word lateral is a reference to the word length.
No because an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides whereas an isosceles triangle has only 2 equal sides