

An estimate that is greater than the exact number is?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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over estimate

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Q: An estimate that is greater than the exact number is?
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When you round both factors to a greater number how will your estimate compare with the exact number?

Your estimate will be greater than the exact number.

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If you use 63.00 divided by 9 to estimate 63.59 is 7.00 greater than or less than the exact answer?

less than

How can I tell if my estimated answer is greater or less than the exact answer to a multiplication problem?

Assuming that the estimate is based on sensible approximations, there is no simple way. You will need to compare the estimate and the true value. If you've rounded up, the estimate will be greater. If you've rounded down, the estimate will be less.

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When you round both factors in a multiplication problem up, your estimate will be greater than the actual product.

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0 is in the exact middle of the number line. All positive numbers are to the right of 0 (greater than 0) and all negative numbers are to the left of 0 (less than 0). So no, -8 is not greater than 0.

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They are the exact same number. You can add as many 0s as you want to the right of the number and the value does not change.

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199 over 198 estimate = 1 actual answer would be greater than 1 35 over 17 estimate = 1 actual answer would be greater than 1

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ANY number greater than the number before the greater than, so if the answer is greater than 7 then one solution is 7.00000000000000000000000000000000001

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100% equals the number. Less than 100% is less than the number. Greater than 100% is greater than the number.

What is the upper bound estimate?

An upper bound estimate is a estimate that is greater than the actual solution.