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Q: Andy takes a 3o question test how many questions can he miss and still make a 75 percent on the test?
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When will you get your answer to your question?

There are MANY questions on this website, sometimes it takes some time before someone's question is answered.

Where do new questions go on the pages of a category?

Questions are posted in chronological order. The newest question goes at the top of page one, and if another question is posted, it takes the place of the one at the top.

How long did it takes to you answer the questions?

What is the question? A lot longer than it should have.

Why are my questions are not ansered on

It takes time sometimes. Be patient. Make sure you put your question in the correct categories.

Why can recovery questions be changed without using existing recovery question answers?

this can be done as your are required to log in first so obviously it is your account and if somebody hacked your questions you can't answer them so they must be changed. ________________________________________________________________________ then does it mean if they have your password and name they are able to change your recovery question and answers? if it is then recovery questions are not much use.________________________________________________________________________ Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, and yes they can. But if they do, it takes 14 days for the questions to become active, meaning you can still recover your account with the old questions for up to 14 days (2 weeks).

What do you do when you can't get questions answered?

There are a lot of questions on this site, and many questions that are answered everyday. It takes some time for us to get questions that our expertise allows us to get to. People need to have patience to have their question answered on this website because there is a lot of questions that need to be taken care of.

Why won't you answer any of my questions?

We will; it simply takes time. You can help your cause by making certain your question is clear and specific, and it is properly categorized.

Why cant WikiAnswers answer your question which holds more heat fleece or soft leather?

WikiAnswers has answered that question. Please see the related questions area. Sometimes it takes a while for someone who knows the answer to find certain questions, since there are so many.

Why has your question not been answered yet?

There are millions of questions on WikiAnswers and only so many contributors that answer questions. It sometimes takes some time for someone that knows the answer to your question to run across it and answer it.Some ways to get your question answered quicker are:Make sure the question is spelled correctly.Make sure the question is categorized correctly and not in the uncategorized category (it will take much longer for it to be answered if not categorized).

Don't you hate it when it takes a long time for your question to be answerd?

Yes; however don't despair. Most questions are answered, you just need to be patient.

Does know every answer to people's question's?

Answers has a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to answering questions. It sometimes takes time for people to answer questions though, and most people will hang out in categories that he or she is MOST familiar with.

How long does it take to get an answer on

It takes however long it takes for someone to notice the question and decide to answer it. Sometimes, questions sit for a long time. Other times, they get answered quickly. Some ways to improve the chances of getting an answer are to write the question correctly, with good grammar and spelling, and to write an interesting question that has value.