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The other name that is used for lines latitude is parallels. The main latitude is the equator which is at zero degrees.

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Q: Another name for the lines of latitude?
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What is another name for parallel lines?

latitude lines is another name for parallels and longitude lines are called meridians

Another name for latitude lines?


What is another name for laditude lines The questioner is asking about LADITUDE not latitude.?

The answer is parallels. No. The answer to another name for LADITUDE lines is PADALLELS.

What is another name lines on a grid?

For Maps, it is latitude and longitude.

What is another name for latitude lines?


What is another name lines of latitude and longitude?

Parallels and meridians, respectively.

What is a another name for latitude lines?

They are sometimes called parallels. They are parallel to the equator, zero degrees latitude, and parallel to each other. They are all circles, except for the poles which are points.A parallel is another name for a line of latitude because all lines of latitude are parallel to each other.Graticule .parallels

What is another name for a line of a latitude?

They are sometimes called parallels. They are parallel to the equator, zero degrees latitude, and parallel to each other. They are all circles, except for the poles which are points.A parallel is another name for a line of latitude because all lines of latitude are parallel to each other.Graticule .parallels

What is another name for the lines that run across the globe east-west called besides latitude?

The lines on the globe are not called "latitude", any more than the marks on a thermometer are called "temperature". The lines on the globe that mark intervals of latitude are called "parallels" of latitude.

Are latitude lines called meridian?

Each 'meridian' is a line of constant longitude.

What is the nick name for the latitude lines?

"parallels" of latitude

What are the name of the lines of latitude?

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