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application of archimedes' principle of specific?

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Q: Applicaton of archimedes' principle of specific gravity?
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Archimedes principle helps to explain the relationship between what?

Archimedes principle helps explain the relationship between weight and volume. The term is specific gravity.

Who discovered specific gravity?


What formula is used in Archimedes' principle?

Archimedes principle - weight of the liquid displaced by the object= buoyant force weight=mass x acceleration due to gravity =volume x density x acceleration due to gravity

What did Archimedes discover when he stepped in the bath tub?

Specific Gravity

Does Archimedes' principle hold in a vessel in a free fall?

For a free fall, the effective value of acceleration due to gravity is zero. As a result, the buoyant force will not exit. Therefore, Archimedes's principle will not hold good in this situation.

Will Archimedes' principle holds in a freely falling body?

Archimedes' principle refers to an object floating in a liquid. In this case, there is the downward force of gravity on the object, and the "buoyant force" as upward force. This is quite unrelated to "free fall", which means that no other forces than gravity act on an object.

What is the difference between Archimedes principle and principle of floatation?

Archmed's principle based on pressure and gravity of substance immersed in water and law of floatation besd on the weight of object

What is archmedes principle?

Archimedes' Principle is "The buoyant force acting on an object equals the weight, (force of gravity) of the fluid displaced by the object. (Answer found in sciencepowere grade 8 textbook.)

Archimedes principle states that the force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object?

What you are describing is Archimedes' principal. The reason it holds try is that the object will only float when the force of gravity pulling it down equals the force due to buoyancy. This happens once the body has displaced its mass worth of the fluid.

Explain Archimedes principle and how he came to formulate it?

Archimedes Principle simply states that the buoyant force acting on an object equals the weight (force of gravity) of the fluid displaced by the object. He came to formulate it when he was in the tub, he noticed that before he got in, the water was at the rim and after he got in, the water had spilled over the top.

What is the principle of lactometer?

A Lactometer is a little glass instrument that tests the purity of milk based on density/buoyancy and works on the principle of the specific gravity of milk.

What is archamedies principle?

Archimedes' Principle refers to the relationship between gravity and the buoyancy of an object in water. the exact wording is as follows: "Any object, wholly or partly immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."