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For a free fall, the effective value of acceleration due to gravity is zero. As a result, the buoyant force will not exit. Therefore, Archimedes's principle will not hold good in this situation.

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Q: Does Archimedes' principle hold in a vessel in a free fall?
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What Enlightenment principle is Thomas Paine advancing in this excerpt?

the right of the citizens to be free of abusive non-representative governments.

What did the Americans want out of the revolution?

A free and independent nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the Principle that all men are created equal.

Show how Archimedes principle may be derived from concepts of fluid pressure?

Consider an object being immersed through a height h in a fluid. The pressure at the surface is smaller than the pressure at the bottom of the object. This difference in pressure, Dp, is given by: Dp = hdg where d is the density of the fluid and g is the acceleration of free- fall Now, Dp can be expanded as the ratio of force to area. So: F/A = hdg where F is the force exerted on the body and A is the bottom area of the object => F = Ahdg => F = Vdg since Ah = volume V => F = mfg where mf is the mass of fluid in the volume V ( mf = dV from the definition of density) => F = Weight of fluid displaced (shown) The force F is the upthurst on the body.

What was the federalist definition of free government?

In particular, free government is designed to guard against the most insidious danger of government by the people-the tyranny of the majority over minorities. This principle applies equally to constitutional protection of religious, ethnic, racial, or other minority groups.

How did the soviet unions fall affect other communist countries?

The Soviet Union was the center of communism. When it fell other communist countries either adopted democracy or free-market reforms.

Related questions

Will Archimedes' principle holds in a freely falling body?

Yes, Archimedes' principle states that the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object, regardless of the body's motion. Thus, Archimedes' principle will still hold true for a freely falling body.

In free fall the object with less air resistance falls with greater acceleration?


Does the speed of free fall affected by the density of the object?

No, the speed of free fall is not affected by the density of the object. All objects fall at the same rate in a vacuum, regardless of their density, due to the effect of gravity on all objects. This phenomenon is known as the equivalence principle.

Do massive objects free fall at the same rate of acceleration as a less massive object?

Yes, in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate of acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their mass. This principle is known as Galileo's principle of the equivalence of inertia and gravitation.

What is use of free fall?

You fall for free

Why do objects fall at the same time in space?

In a vacuum or free-fall environment, all objects fall at the same rate due to the lack of air resistance. This is because the force of gravity acts on all objects equally, causing them to accelerate towards the center of the gravitational field at the same rate. This principle is known as the equivalence principle, as outlined in Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Does the free fall depend on the mass?

No, all objects fall at the same rate in a vacuum regardless of their mass, as described by the principle of equivalence in the theory of general relativity. This means that in the absence of air resistance or other external forces, objects of different masses will fall at the same rate.

Does the size of an object affect the time of its free fall?

No, the size of an object does not affect the time of its free fall. In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their size or mass, as described by the principle of equivalence in the theory of general relativity. This means that in the absence of air resistance, objects of different sizes will reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height.

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What Objects with greater mas tend to fall faster on earth than objects that are less massive because of air resistance true or false?

False. In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass. This is known as the principle of universality of free fall.

What is the past tense of free-fall?

"They have free- fallen" "They free-fell"

Who was the scientist who discovered that heavy and light body of the same substance fall at the same speed?

Galileo Galilei, an Italian scientist, is credited with the discovery that heavy and light bodies of the same substance fall at the same speed in a vacuum. He conducted experiments to demonstrate this principle of free fall.