The Least Common Multiple of 30, 36 and 50 is 900.
No - 72% would be 36/50. 1/50 is just 2%
18/25, 360/500
The Least Common Multiple of 30, 50, and 36 is 900.
18/20, 27/30, 36/40, 45/50, and so on
3/5 or 6/10
30/50 = 3/5
equivalent fractions of 9/50 are 18/100, 27/150, 36/200,... To get the equivalent fractions of 9/50: Multiply 9/50 by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4,... 9/50 * 2/2 = 18/100 9/50 * 3/3 = 27/150 9/50 * 4/4 = 36/200
3/10 = 30/100
36/50 = 72/100 = 0.72
It is: 30/50 = 3/5