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No, multiples of prime numbers are composite.

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Q: Are all multiples of a prime number are prime numbers?
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Can a prime number be a multiple?

All numbers are multiples.

Are all multiples of a prime numbers prime numbers?

no, because then they would be divisible by the number you multiplied it by.

Multiples of Prime numbers under 20?

All the numbers from 2 to 19 are multiples of prime numbers.

Why numbers with a five in the ones place are not prime numbers?

All but the number five are multiples of 5.

What are numbers that are not prime?

A number that is not a prime number is called a composite number because it can be made by multiplying prime numbers together. For example, 6 is a composite number that is the product of multiplying the prime numbers 2 and 3 together.

What are all the numbers that are not prime numbers called?

They are the composite numbers, products of primes and their multiples. All even numbers are composite, except the number two (2) which is prime.

What are the even prime numbers?

There is only one even prime number: 2. All other even numbers are multiples of 2, and thus are not prime.

What is a prime number 39 51 33 or 37?

37 is a prime number. All the other numbers in the list are multiples of 3.

Is 13 relatively prime?

It can be. Since 13 is a prime number, it is relatively prime to all other numbers except for multiples of 13.

Are all the multiples of 3 prime numbers?


What number 1-100 has the most multiples?

All numbers have an infinite amount of multiples.

Why can a prime number not have 0 in it?

Lots of prime numbers have zeros in them. 101, 103, 107 and 109 are all prime numbers. Prime numbers can't end in zero. Numbers that end in zero are multiples of ten and have too many factors to be prime numbers.