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no its real numbers

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Q: Are all rational numbers plus all irrational numbers complex numbers?
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What is an irrational plus two rational numbers?

Since the sum of two rational numbers is rational, the answer will be the same as for the sum of an irrational and a single rational number. It is always irrational.

Is a rational plus an irrational equals a rational?

No. A rational plus an irrational is always an irrational.

Is a rational number plus a rational number rational?

Yes. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

Why an irrational number plus an irrational number equal a rational?

That simply isn't true. The sum of two irrational numbers CAN BE rational, but it can also be irrational. As an example, the square root of 2 plus the square root of 2 is irrational.

Why is the sum of an rational number and irrational number an irrational number?

The rational numbers form a field. In particular, the sum or difference of two rational numbers is rational. (This is easy to check directly). Suppose now that a + b = c, with a rational and c rational. Since b = c - a, it would have to be rational too. Thus you can't ever have a rational plus an irrational equalling a rational.

Can you subract an rational and irrational number and get an irrational number?

Yes. In fact, a rational plus or minus an irrational will always be irrational.

Is 10 plus 0.01 rational oe irrational?

10+0.01 = 10.01 and it is a rational number

Can you add two irrational numbers that are not conjugates of one another ie a plus b and a minus b to get a rational number?

You can also have any numbers like (a + c) and (b - c), where "c" is the irrational part, and "a" and "b" are rational.

Is 10 plus 0.1 rational or irrational?

rational. if it can be expressed as a fraction, it is rational.

Is the sum of 18 plus the square root of 10 rational oris the sum of 18 plus the square root of 10 rational or irrational?

It is irrational.

If X is irrational and Y is rational then X plus Y is irrational.?


Does an irrational number plus a rational number equal an irrational number?
