310 = 2 * 5 * 31prime factorization of 310: 2 x 5 x 31
Yes, all the factors of 12 are factors of 24.
18 and all factors of 18. 18 and all factors of 18. 18 and all factors of 18. 18 and all factors of 18.
All the factors are 1.
All of the factors of A.
Once all the prime factors of a number have been found, the number of factors the number has and what they are can be found. I'd be finding the prime factors first before finding all the factors of a number, so I'd rather find all the prime factors as it means I can stop before I have to do more work in finding all the factors.
All the factors of 45 are 1,5,9, and 45
all the factors of 8 are as follows: 1,2,4,8
find all factors of 61
find all factors of 72
Apart from 1, all of the other factors of 72 are multiples of prime factors.
No, 32 and 64 have other factors as well.