No. Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural.
Yes, all natural numbers are whole numbers.
No. All natural numbers are whole numbers.
It depends, many people do count 0 as a natural number, but MOST do not. So for most HS text book, the answer is NO, all whole numbers are not natural numbers and the reason is 0 is a whole number but not a natural number.
All of the natural numbers.
0 and negative integers are all whole numbers but they are not natural numbers.
Yes, the set of whole number is all of the natural numbers, plus zero.
Integers are all positive and negative whole numbers, and natural numbers are all positve whole numbers including zero. So, natural numbers is a subset of integers.
Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.
All negative integers are whole numbers but not natural numbers. Mathematicians are not agreed about whether 0 is a natural number or not.
they are almost all equivalent - whole numbers also have the number 0, which natural numbers (counting numbers) do not.