Any number, negative or positive, can be expressed as a decimal number. So a negative number can always be expressed as a negative decimal.
It is always positive, and not just for decimal numbers but for all numbers.
Yes, the product of three negative numbers is always a negative number.
always because it is just the same # but positive or negative
The product of negative number and a positive number is always a negative. The product of two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, is always a positive.
No, the product of two negative numbers is always a positive.
Adding two negative numbers will always be negative. Subtracting two negative numbers may be positive or negative. Dividing or multiplying two negative numbers will always be positive.No
They do not always. The sum of two negative numbers is negative.
We have negative numbers, because if there were no negative numbers, people wouldn't lose profit, they would always gain.
negative always
Negative numbers are always less than their absolute value.