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Q: Are perpendicular bisectors in triangles lines?
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How many perpendicular bisectors does an equilateral triangle have?

Equilateral triangles have 3 perpendicular bisectors

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What is the name of the point at which all of a triangles perpendicular bisectors intersect?

It's the circumcenter.

How are perpendicular lines different from a intersecting lines?

They are not. The perpendicular bisectors of a triangle, for example, intersect at the orthocentre of the triangle. So perpendicular lines can be intersecting and conversely.

Will perpendicular bisectors that originate at the base of isosceles triangles pass through the vertex of the triangle?


What shapes have perpendicular lines and no parallel lines?

Right triangles have a set of perpendicular lines and no parallel lines.

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What are perpendicular bisectors of a triangle?

It is only applicable to a right angle triangle where the perpendicular lines meet at 90 degrees

Does a square based pyramid have a perpendicular?

Yes. They have perpendicular bisectors in the four triangles that make up four of the five sides of a square-based pyramid

Which do you use when parallel lines form similar triangles?

Triangles do not have parallel lines but as right angles triangles they do have perpendicular lines that meet at 90 degrees.

Is a triangle a parallel or a perpendicular?

Perpendicular. Bt ONLY right triangles contain perpendicular lines.

What are the three lines of symmetry on an equilateral triangle?

They are the lines joining each of the vertices to the mid-points of the opposite sides. In an equilateral triangle, these lines are the medians, angle bisectors, altitudes and perpendicular bisectors of the sides - all in one!