

Are quadrangles polygons

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Yes they are because every polygon has at least one line of symmetry.:)

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Q: Are quadrangles polygons
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What is the term for all quadrangles?

All 4 sided polygons are classed as quadrilaterals.

Is a trapazoid or rhombus a polygon and aquadrangle?

Both are polygons and both are quadrangles.

What type polygons are formed when cutting a square apart?

Possibilities are: triangles, pentagons, and quadrangles.

What shapes are four-sided polygons that can have more than one name?

All of them are both quadrilaterals and quadrangles. That's two names!

What shape is a polygon and a quadrangle and all sides are different with no right angles?

There are infinitely many quadrangles - all of which are polygons - that have sides of different length and angles that are not right angles. There is, however, no specific name for such quadrangles because there are so many different possible shapes.

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Is a trapazoid a quadrangels?

quadrangles means four-angled object but mostly a rectangular one a trapezoid has 4 angles but only two sides are parallel So a trapezoid can be a quadrangles but not all trapezoids are quadrangels On another hand all quadrangles are trapezoid

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What are shapes with 4 sides called?

quadrangles No it quadrilaterals

What other name is for a rectangle?

Rectangles are quadrangles, polygons with four sides. A rectangle is a quadrangle with two long sides and two short sides, and the long sides and short sides are parallel to each other. They are parallelograms, in which opposite sides are parallel. Note: All squares are also rectangles.

what is the name of polygons you given to a shape?

There are lots of different types of polygons Polygons are classified into various types based on the number of sides and measures of the angles.: Regular Polygons Irregular Polygons Concave Polygons Convex Polygons Trigons Quadrilateral Polygons Pentagon Polygons Hexagon Polygons Equilateral Polygons Equiangular Polygons