

Are there any consecutive 2 digit square numbers?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Are there any consecutive 2 digit square numbers?
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Any three-digit multiple of 60, from 120 to 960, has the first five counting numbers as factors.

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There is no such thing as consecutive numbers because numbers are infinitely dense. Between any two numbers there is another and so there is no such thing as a "next" number.There are no integers (square or non-square) between any two consecutive integers. There are infinitely many numbers between any two consecutive integers and, if the integers are non-negative, every one of these will be a square of some number so the answer is none. If the integers are negative then the infinitely many numbers will have a square root in the complex field but not in real numbers. In this case the answer is either none or infinitely many, depending on the domain.

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The square roots of 56 are approx -7.5 and +7.5. So any consecutive pair from [-7, +7] will do.

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Its all of the whole numbers from n to and including (n + 14), where n is any whole number from 10 to 85 inclusive.

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Zero. Any five consecutive natural numbers will contain at least one multiple of 2 and at least one multiple of 5, meaning that the product will be a multiple of 10.

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Well, 47 49 51 53 are four consecutive odd numbers those total squared has for identical digits. 40000.... The square root of any number that is only four digits long all containing the same digit has a value that is not an integer.

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Any multiple of 60 from 540 to 960

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Defining "consecutive" as "following continuously in unbroken or logical sequence," it is possible to have many different types of consecutive things: consecutive days, months, odd numbers, even numbers, etc. The list you have is consecutive, they are consecutive multiples of ten.

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The smallest 5 digit number is 10000 = 1002 The largest 5 digit number is 99999 and 3162 < 99999 < 3172 So, take any number between 100 and 316 (both inclusive) and square it to get a 5-digit perfect square.

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The square roots of 82 are -9.055 and 9.055. So two consecutive whole numbers that lie between the square roots of 82 are any consecutive numbers from the set {-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

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The product of four consecutive integers is always one less than a perfect square. The product of four consecutive integers starting with n will be one less than the square of n2 + 3n + 1

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There are no two consecutive numbers that equal 70 because the sum of any two consecutive numbers is an odd number.