

Are two squares always similar

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Are two squares always similar
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Is two squares always sometimes or never similar?


What shape is always similar?

Squares and circles are always similar.

What will always be similar a two different squares b two different rectangles c two different rhombuses d two different parallelograms?

a) two different squares

Are two squares always the same?

Yes and No, all squares will have the same internal angels (90 degrees) making them similar, but dimensions of squares can be different (how long the sides are).

Are 2 squares always congruent?

No. Most squares probably are not congruent. Although they are similar.

Will two squares always be congruent?


Are all squares similar?

Yes, all squares are similar because they are all in proportion. The angles will always be 90 degrees, and the sides proportionate. The same ratio can be created using any two side measures between squares. Thus, all squares are similar.

Are two obtuse triangles always similar?

Not always, sometimes two obtuse triangles are similar and sometimes they are not similar.

What is similar about a perfect square trinomial and a difference of two squares?

Each has two binomial factors.

Are two hexagon always similar to each other?

No. Two regular hexagons are always similar to each other, but two random hexagons are not necessarily similar.

Are all squares similar to quadrilaterals?

All squares are quadrilaterals. Not all quadrilaterals are squares.

Are two rectangles always similar?

Two rectangles are seldom but sometimes similar. They can be but they don't have to.