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they are 90 percent of the time right so go ahead and ask any questions

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Q: Are your answers 100 percent true 100 percent of the time or could they be wrong?
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Related questions

Why do you sometimes get incorrect answers on this website?

Because sometimes people can be wrong. people arent 100 percent right the entire time

Why are you wasting your time looking for answers when this site is wrong?

I don't think I am wasting my time looking for answers, because not everything on this site is wrong.

How do you get run over?

There are many different ways to get run over. You could be the victim of an intoxicated driver. You could be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You could be in the middle of the road and a car comes around a corner. The list goes on and on, there are thousands of different answers.

Are women wrong all the time or just 98 percent of the time?

All the time

Does wiki answers give true information?

Most answers are correct, but some answers are wrong, so the majority of the time the answers are true, but occasionally not.

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Cheating will put you in the wrong place at the wrong time. What if someone gave you the wrong answers????

What is a legend about the harp seal?

no and I do not know if that is even true people should really stop using answers it is just wiki and a 10 year old like me could put some fact answer and I just put this on purpose so u could see and if u are looking for answers for a repots u could get and f because this information could be all wrong so have a good time getting the wrong infomation

What's wrong with your dog if it's vomiting blood?

It could be any number of things. You shouldn't waste time waiting for answers on here - you should be taking it to a vet - NOW !

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What percent is 90 right answers out of 130 questions?

69.23% try better next time.

If your answers keep on being deleted why do you even bother answering and wasting your time?

If your answers are being erased it is because they are wrong or inappropriate. They are wasting the time of anyone that is reading them and of the supervisors that have to clean them up.

How do you find the reluctant speed of something?

so easy all you need to do is go one the internet but not wikianswers because people change the answer and the u could get the answers wrong. Glad to help any time : )