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It is: 15 meters by 30 meters

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Q: Area 450 square meters. Length twice as long as width. What are the dimensions of this rectangle?
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The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its length by its width. Therefore, the area of a rectangle with dimensions 6 meters by 20 meters is 120 square meters.

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Length of rectangle: 240/15 = 16 meters

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Its dimensions are: 0.5 meters by 2 meters

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Assuming the dimensions are to a rectangle, the area is found by multiplying length time width. In this case, 10 m * 6.6 m = 66 square meters.

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Length = 9 Width = 9 Your rectangle is a square.

Area to get the surface area of a rectangle?

Multiply the length by the width. If the rectangle is a square the two dimensions will be the same

How much square ins is a rectangle?

Without the dimensions, we won't be able to tell. The area of a rectangle is the length times the width. If those dimensions are in inches, the area will be in square inches.

What is the area of a rectangle that is 9 meters long and 8 meters wide?

The area of a rectangle is simply the length times the width. If the length and width are in meters, the area, of course, will be in square meters.

The area of a rectangle is 117 square meters. The width is 9 meters.What is the length of the rectangle?

If the area is 117 square meters and the width is 9 meters we can find the length by dividing: 117 / 9 = 13 The length is 13 meters

If the area of a rectangle is 11.5 square meters what are the dimensions?

You can't tell. The area doesn't tell you the dimensions. There are an infinite number of possible pairs of length/width measurements. The only thing you know for sure is that whatever the length and width are, you get 11.5 when you multiply them.

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