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Q: Ask us anythingA man steps out of a plane at a height of 4000 m above the ground falls 2000 m very quickly and then opens his parachute and slowly falls the remaining 2000 m to the ground. What height?
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How will punching a hole in a parachute affect the rate at which it falls?

wouldn't the air trapped in the parachute quickly go out, then you will quickly fall until splat on the ground

Can you put the word parachute in a sentence?

The man jumped out of a plane using a parachute so he would fall safely to the ground. We used a parachute so we could land safely on ground.

What is parachute?

A parachute is some thing that prevents you form crashing into the ground when sky diving.

Why does a parachute fall to the ground?

Because of gravity

Why does it take longer for the parachute to reach the ground?

Because the parachute is catching the air, slowing down the fall

If a Helicopter is crashing do you try and parachute out or do you take your chances in the chopper?

Any aircraft that is crashing is about to impact with the ground, or is impacting with the ground, so a parachute will be of little use in these circumstances.

What does plummetting mean?

plummeted means to fall from a plane and not to have a parachute that will protect you from hitting the ground to hard.

How does size affect the speed of a falling parachute?

The larger the size of the parachute the more air resistance is caused because its larger surface traps more air. Becuase there is more air resistance the larger the parachute the slower it travels to the ground. The smaller the parachute the faster it falls to the ground for the opposite reason.

Why did he design the parachute?

"He" wanted people to be safe. Like if they had a plain crash the could put on a parachute and glide safely to the ground

What are the disadvantages and advantages of parachute?

A parachute allows a person to jump out of a plane and land safely on the ground. A disadvantage is that (rarely) a parachute may fail to fully open and injury and death is likely.

How does weight affect a parachute?

weight would affect a parachute if you put a 500lb man on a parachute and dropped him gravity would make him travel faster towards the ground compared to if you placed a 92lb boy on a parachute as the parachute applies the same force to both of them but the man weighs more so takes more to slow down and therefor lands down on the ground first By Alister Kelly

What is the lowest parachute jump ever?

Ground Zero by ejection seat.