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Each sleeper car travels at the speed of the locomotive that propels it.

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Q: At what speed do most amtrak sleeper cars travel across country?
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Is it possible to buy train tickets that allow you to travel coast-to-coast?

In the United States, Amtrak is a great cross-country train travel system. This website,, has deals on Amtrak fares.

How To Redeem Amtrak Guest Rewards Points for train travel?

When most people think of travel rewards, they think of airline miles or hotel points. But Amtrak also offers its Guest Rewards program that allows travelers to redeem points for free train travel. Amtrak Guest rewards points can be earned in one of several different ways. Paid Amtrak passengers earn one point for each dollar spent on rail travel. Amtrak also offers its Guest Rewards Visa card from Chase where passengers earn a point for each dollar spent on most purchases, and two points per dollar spent on Amtrak travel. In addition, the Starwood Preferred Guest program and the Chase Ultimate rewards program both feature credit card rewards that can be transferred to Amtrak Guest rewards points. Once earned, Amtrak points can be redeemed for several different types of journeys. Amtrak divides the country into three zones as well as the northeast region. Reward travel can be redeemed for travel within one, two, or all three zones. Awards are one way with no stopover allowed. Travelers can choose between coach class, business class, roomettes, or bedrooms. Roomettes and bedrooms each sleep two passengers and meals are included with rewards. Fortunately, even coach seats are the size of domestic first class airline seats while Roomettes are the equivalent of the lie flat sleeper seats common in international first class airline travel, except that they have a bottom and a top bunk. By understanding how to earn and redeem Amtrak Guest Rewards, you can ride the rails for free.

Do you need direct travel insurance to drive across the country?

It is not necessary to have direct travel insurance to drive across the country. However, if you would like some security during your travels it is worth the investment to get direct travel insurance.

How do I travel from Philadelphia to DC via train?

Use Amtrak.

How much money is it going to cost to travel by amtrak train from seaside Oregon to modesto California?

The cost for Amtrak tickets can very greatly depending upon when you buy them and when you are travelling, similar to airline tickets. Amtrak has a website that can give you up-to-date costs for all Amtrak travel in seconds. Please check the link provided here.

Where can you but amtrak tickets at a discount?

You can purchase amtrak tickets online from their website. Depending on when you want to travel and where you are traveling, you can save up to 25% on your fare.

Can a tornado travel across a country?

A very small country perhaps. In rare cases a tornado may travel over 100 miles, which is enough to cross some countries.


Amtak by far! Bus takes too long and traffic sucks. Amtrak you will beat the traffic and you can move around on the cars of Amtrak. Also, if you want to spend the money, you can rent a bedroom on Amtrak.

Are pets allowed to travel on amtrak?

Amtrak does not allow pets or other animals on any of its trains. The only exception is for trained service animals such as guide dogs for the blind.

What are the extradition laws from Ar to Az?

If they are willing to pay for the travel then it will occur, this is standard across the country.

Which innovation allow people and goods to travel across the country in just a week?

Transcontinental railroad

What was the impact of the sleeping car?

The sleeper car allowed people to travel great distances on a train in comfort. They could sleep and rest in the sleeper and arrive at their destination rested.