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sharon sprinter changes her speed from 4.5m/s to 7.5m/s in the middle 1.5 seconds of a 100m race. what is her average velocity for this time period?

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Q: Calculate average velocity and average speed?
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Why can you only calculate a stone's average speed during its fall?

That is just not true! If you can calculate its average speed you should be able to calculate its speed at any point in time during its flight, including its final velocity.

How can you get average velocity?

You can calculate average speed by dividing the total distance travelled by the total time of travel. To go from speed to velocity, you would also need to determine the vector (direction of travel).

When average velocity and average speed is equal?

For the instantaneous value of average velocity, average speed and average velocity are equal.

How is velocity different from average speeed?

Velocity is speed and its direction. Average velocity is average speed and its direction.

Does average velocity and average speed have the same number?

velocity is a vector and speed is scalar. Velocity has magnitude and directions, with magnitude being speed. The magnitude of average velocity and average speed is the same.

Why do you need to calculate velocity instead of speed?

Speed and Velocity are two different things . Velocity- "the rate at which an object changes its position." Speed- "How fast an object is moving". To calculate speed and velocity, you first need to calculate distance and time. Velocity is considered to be a more logical term

If skylar throws the football 50 meters in 3 seconds what is the average speed (velocity) of the football?

The average speed is 16.66... (repeating) metres per second. It is not possible to calculate the average velocity without further information because, due to gravity, the velocity is changing continuously during the ball's flight.

Is Distance the magnitude of average velocity?

No. Average velocity is still a velocity.Distance is a product of (a velocity or speed) times (a length of time).

In what condition average velocity is equal to average speed give an example?

When an object is moving along a straight line at a variable speed, we can express the magnitude of the rate of motion in terms of average velocity.It is the same way as we calculate average speed.

What is the formula used to calculate the velocity of an object?

The average velocity in a particular direction = distance travelled in that direction / time taken. Velocity is a vector so the direction is important. If I go from A to B and then return to A my average velocity will be zero. My speed, on the other hand, will not be zero.

Does average velocity have a direction associated with it?

The term "velocity", as used in physics, DOES have an associated direction. Most derived terms, such as "average velocity", also do.

Can a body have nonzero average speed but have zero average velocity give example?

An object moving in a circular path at constant speed will have a non-zero average speed and zero average velocity since velocity is a vector parameter,