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The average velocity in a particular direction = distance travelled in that direction / time taken.

Velocity is a vector so the direction is important. If I go from A to B and then return to A my average velocity will be zero. My speed, on the other hand, will not be zero.

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Q: What is the formula used to calculate the velocity of an object?
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What is vector and resultant velocity?

A vector is used to represent direction and magnitude of speed. Velocity is the speed of an object and a specification of its direction of motion. Speed describes only how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity gives both how fast and in what direction the object is moving. Therefore a vector can be used to represent a velocity. The term "resultant velocity" implies a change in velocity which can be determined using vector analysis.

What is the formula to calculate surface area of a 90 degree elbow?

The formula used to calculate the surface of a 90 degree elbow is pi^2 *. This formula is taught in geometry class.

Formula to calculate distance between planets?

The parallax method can be used to calculate the distance between planets and other celestial bodies. The formula for this is d(pc) = 1/p where p is parallax measured in arcseconds.

What is the meaning of root mean square velocity?

Root mean square velocity is the measure of the velocity of gas particles that is used for solving problems. It is the square root of the average velocity-squared of the molecules in a gas. The formula for root mean square velocity is sqrt(3RT/Mm) where Mm is the molar mass of the gas in kg / mole, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in kelvin.

Can velocity be 0 but speed not 0?

Speed and Velocity are two words that mean the same. You may mean, "Can Velocity be 0 but acceleration not 0". Yes, this occurs when a moving object is changing direction (say from moving forwards to moving backwards) or is just about to move or, at that very instant has just come to a halt. In all these cases, speed /velocity is zero but the body is accelerating. Don't forget, the word acceleration is also used when an object is decelerating (slowing down).

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What is the formula used to calculate an object's kinetic energy?

The formula to calculate an object's kinetic energy is KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object.

What formula is used to calculate accelation?

Change in velocity / time

What is the most commonly used formula to calculate acceleration?

The most commonly used formula to calculate acceleration is: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. This formula describes how the velocity of an object changes over time.

What is used to calculate an oject's kinetic energy?

An object's kinetic energy is calculated using the formula: KE = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2, where KE is the kinetic energy, mass is the object's mass, and velocity is the object's velocity.

What formula used to calculate acceleration?

The formula used to calculate acceleration is acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. This can also be represented as a = (vf - vi) / t, where a is acceleration, vf is final velocity, vi is initial velocity, and t is time.

What is needed to calculate kinetic energy?

Mass of a body and its speed are needed to calculate kinetic energy. Kinetic energy of an object = mv2/2 This formula is useful only when object's speed is much less than speed of light.

Which of the following sets of measurements can be used to calculate acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need measurements of an object's initial velocity, final velocity, and the time it takes to change speeds.

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What is the formula used to calculate the density of an object?

Mass divided by volume

What formula is used to calculate accleration?

The formula for acceleration is: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. It is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

What formula is used to calculate velocity?

v=d/t where d is the distance and t is the time

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RPM is an expression of rotational velocity. It is the number of revolutions a rotating object makes on its own axis in one minute. RPM is used to calculate horsepower, linear velocity, gear ratios, and tangential velocity. The formula for roller rpm = Distance / Circumference.