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net profit\total investment = ROI

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Q: Calculate return on investment based on net income 192 mil and average total assets3090 mil?
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What is the mathematical formula for calculating yield of an investment?

100*Income from investment (over a period)/Average value of Investment The income may be in the form of interest, dividends or appreciation (increase in value of the asset).

Calculate the equilibrium income if investment is 100 and the consumption function is 50 plus 0.75y?


What is income ratio in mutul fund industries?

income ratio of a mutual fund is defined as a ratio of net investment income to its average net asset value.

How do you calculate return on assets?

Net Income divided by Average Total Assets

Is investment income considered self-employment?

No investment income is not self-employed income unless you are in the business of investing or advising others on investing.

What is induced investment?

Business investment expenditures that depend on income or production (especially national income or gross national product). An increase in national income triggers an increase in induced investment expenditures.

Is return of investment an income acct?

Yes the amount would be a taxable income amount after your return of investment amounts exceed your cost basis in the investment.

Why you use average invetsment in accounting rate of return technique?

If the investment is derived from income, look at the return and make a choice

How do you calculate unadjusted rate of return with depreciation?

To calculate unadjusted rate of return with depreciation: Subtract depreciation cost from the expected cash flows along with expenses, then multiply the result by the income tax rate and subtract. Calculate average investment 10,000/2 Example: Machine Investment $10,000 4 year life , Expected cash flows 8,000 expenses 2,200 tax rate 20% (8,000-2,500-2.200) x (1 -.20) = 2,640/5,000 = 52.80%

How you Calculate Provision for Income tax?

how to calculate provison for income tax

What is a type of income?

investment APEX :)

Do I have to pay capital gains tax on all investment income?

Of course, not all investments are tax exempt. Investment income is generated by either the income it produces during the ownership of the investment (e.g., interest, dividends, or rent) or the gain it produces when the investment is sold at an appreciated value.