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Q: Calculate the conversion time of successive approximation ADC if the system frequency is 1 pico hertz the chip is handling 16 bits for the given data what is the maximum possible frequency if flash AD?
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What is the sum of successive data items?

Cumulative frequency

Frequency to power?


Conversion of decibel into frequency?

That is impossible.

The distance between successive crests or troughs determines wave?

Wave length.

What is the dominant mode of propagation in microstrip line in low frequency approximation?


How do you calculate cumulative frequency and relative frequency?

c=frequency x wavelength

What formula relates speed wavelength and frequency-?

The speed is the product of wavelength and frequency.

How do you calculate the wavelength of frequency?

Wavelength = (speed of the wave) divided by (frequency)

How do you calculate the frequency of light emitted in chemicals?

There are several ways to calculate the frequency of light emitted or absorbed by different chemicals, and they depend on what you already know. For example, if you know the energy of the particle, then you can calculate frequency from E = planck's constant x frequency and solve for frequency. If you happen to know the wavelength, then you can use C = wavelength x frequency and solve for frequency (where C = speed of light).

How is the frequency of a wave measured?

Measure the time between successive peaks, and take the reciprocal of this to get cycles per second.

How do you calculate the amplitude given the frequency and the wavelength?

Amplitude doesn't depend on frequency or wavelength, so even if you know them, you have no way to calculate amplitude.

How do you calculate speed when the frequency and wavelength are given?

speed=frequency x wavelenth xD