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To calculate the frequency density we will simply divide the frequency by the class width.

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Q: How do you find the frequency and frequency density on a histogram when you are only given the class width?
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What is the difference between bar and histogram?

Bars are for single values or classes with uniform width, and the height of each bar is the frequency. In a histogram, the classes are of different width and the heights are proportional to the frequency density. The frequency, itself, is given by the area of the "bar" above the class.

What is the number of observation that given by class interval call?

It s the frequency for the class.

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In a given medium, as the frequency of a wave increases, the speed of the wave remains constant. The speed of a wave in a medium is determined by the properties of that medium, such as its density and elasticity, and is independent of the frequency of the wave.

What is the difference of a histogram and a table?

A histogram is a graph that for a given set of data show you how many times a certain range of values appears and how it compares to the frequency of ranges of values. A table on the other hand relates two unique sets of numbers, and shows how a value in one set corresponds to values in the other.

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it states the power and energy of a given signal in terms of frequency

How do you get the missing values in the cumulative frequency table when only the class intervals are given?

hi my name is Emma

The frequency of occurrence of something within a given unit of area is?

known as the density of that thing. It is calculated by dividing the number of occurrences by the total area. The density provides a measure of how concentrated or spread out the occurrences are within the area.

What does cumilating mean?

CUMILATIVE: Its a engineering term ,for example cumilative frequency means by adding frequency of a given class to sum total of all the lower classes.for instance first class has a frequency of 2 and second class has frequency of 4 therefore the cumilative frequency becomes 6,the third has a frequency of 7,so the cumilative frequency is 13 it goes likes.....good luck for all hope u got the meaningfrom DASTAGIR.....PLASMA

What is a special type of bar graph that displays the frequencies of data in given intervals of equal width?


When is a historgam used?

I think that you mean histogram, so I am going to go off of that meaning. A histogram is a statistical image that shows a visual impression of the distribution of data. It's purpose is to assess the probability distribution of a given variable, by depicting frequencies in a certain range of values. Histograms are used when density estimation is needed, or when one needs to estimate the probability density function of an underlying variable. More often than not, it is used in mathematics and statistics in order to determine the distribution of a specific variable at varying frequencies.

How do you find density if mass and density are given?

Strictly speaking if the density is given then you don't need to find it.

How do you find missing frequency if median and mode are given?

How do you find missed frequency if median and mode are given