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Q: Can I add a dessert section to complement Indian savory snacks?
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Is crepe suzette sweet or savory?

la crêpe suzette is a sweet dessert.

What is a Savoury Product?

Savoury, or savory, means pleasant tasting, or, it refers to foods that are not sweet.For instance, a souffle can be a sweet dessert, i.e.Grand Marnier, or an herbed cheese, (savory). deserts that do not contain sugar but salt

What happens if you put jelly in the freezer?

Pudding can turn into a creamy pudding pop when frozen. It is usually considered as a dessert but can also be a savory dish.

Why is the savory course served between the entree and dessert?

An entree is usually a savoury dish, as is the main course, followed by something sweet (dessert). If the meal begins with appetisers, they are also usually savoury. Some people might have a small appetite and prefer to eat only an entree course followed by a dessert; there is no problem with this.

How do you pronounce petitfore?

A petit four is a type of French dessert. They are essentially tiny cakes and can come in sweet and savory flavors. The word petit four is pronounced "petty for."

Is plum with basil a good combo?

It's a good start for a savory dish as basil pairs nicely with sour elements (like tomato). Not a good recipe for dessert though.

What is the birth name of Gerald Savory?

Gerald Savory's birth name is Gerald Douglas Savory.

What is the word savory mean?

savory means pleasant or agreeable in taste or smell: a savory aroma. a lot..

Is Savory an herb or a spice?

savory is a herb not spice.

What is an east Indian evergreen tree seed used as a spice?

The seed from the East Indian evergreen tree is called cardamom. It is a popular spice used in both sweet and savory dishes for its unique flavor.

Is Boxty sweet or savory?

It is a savory pancake made with potato.

What is savory?

Savory is an herb. You can find it at the supermarket in the spice aisle.