

Can 0 be the answer to a two step equation?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Can 0 be the answer to a two step equation?
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How is solving a two step equation different from one step equations?

In a two step equation, you need to do another step.

What is an equation that contains two operations called?

A two-step equation.

What is a two step equation that equals -2?

An example of a two step equation that equals 2 is 4 + 2x = 2. In this equation, x = -1.

Is an equation that has two operations?

a two step eqation

Two step equation definition?

A two-step equation is a mathematical equation that requires two steps to solve. It involves applying inverse operations to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. The goal is to determine the value of the variable that satisfies the equation.

How do you do two step equations?

You will have to break it down, for example: 5x + 40= 60 -40 -40 ----------- 0 20 so 20 divided by 5 is 4 so x equals 4, thats how you do it,.

How do you solve a two step equation with variables?

I never heard about a "two-step equation". I believe it's the solution process which may have one or several steps.

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what is a 2-step equation ( example please..)?

A two-step equation is an equation that requires two steps to solve We must eliminate any constant that is on the same side as the variable first To solve, use the inverse operations to isolate the variable by itself Remember whatever you do to one side, you must do to the other

How does factoring help solve quadratic equations?

Well, that's one method to solve the quadratic equation. Here is an example (using the symbol "^" for power): solve x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0 Step 1: Convert the equation to a form in which the right side is equal to zero. (Already done in this example.) Step 2: Factor the left side. In this case, (x - 3) (x - 2) = 0 Step 3: Use the fact that if a product is zero, at least one of its factors must be zero. This lets you convert the equation to two equations; x - 3 = 0 OR x - 2 = 0 Step 4: Solve each of the two equations.

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