

Can 3d figure be drawn on a plane?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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11y ago

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A 3D figure can be drawn on a flat plane (piece of paper) by using perspective.
A horizon (horizontal) line is drawn across the page and a spot marked along the horizon. All side lines of the 3D shape must meet at the spot.
Perspective is much used by artists and architects, etc.

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Q: Can 3d figure be drawn on a plane?
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No. Pyramids are three-dimensional, and hence cannot be drawn within a single plane.

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A circle which is a plane figure, when drawn on a paper has 1 side.

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There are many possibilities, and here are a couple: A dodecagonal prism (dodecagon = 12 sided plane figure); A heptagonal pyramid (heptagon = 7 sided plane figure).

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A 3D figure has length x width x depth. It becomes a 2D figure once the removed surface is laid flat, having then only length x width. Another name is "Plane Figure."

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Circle in 2D is a straight figure drawn on a plane. But if we take it as a sphere,it cannot be straight.

What is a plane figure in geometry?

A two-dimensional figure, also called a plane or planar figure, is a set of line segments or sides and curve segments or arcs, all lying in a single plane. The sides and arcs are called the edges of the figure. The edges are one-dimensional, but they lie in the plane, which is two-dimensional. The triangle, the pentagon, the hexagon and the circle are just a few plane figures. Prisms and pyramids, for instance, are three-dimension figures.

What is the name of a 2 dimensional figure?

a 2d shape A two dimensional figure can also be called a plane figure since it can be drawn in the two dimensional plane. Some examples include the triangle, the square, the circle, the pentagon, the hexagon, the parallelogram, the rhombus, etc.

Can you find an area of a 3D figure?

Yes, if it is bound by plane figures, just add the area of each plane figure. If it has a curved surface, divide it into many small pieces, to approximate the area with small rectangles or triangles, then add them up.