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no they cant errr

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Q: Can a boy and a girl share a room if they are over 5 and under 18?
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Can an 11 year old girl share a room with an 8 year old girl?

yes they can

In Ohio Is there an age limit to boy-girl siblings share a room?


Can a 13 and 18 year old girls share a room?

A 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl can share a room. Sometimes, girls must share a room out of necessity. If this causes problems, then each girl should proclaim a side and keep their belongings there.

Can a thirteen year old girl share a room with a ten year old girl?

This is very possible, unless one of the girls is very territorial and slaughters the other over disputes of where the other will sleep in the room. Yes. It may be ok if you act like your mature enough to share one. Also you shouldn't act naughty.

Can a 14yr-old girl share a room with a 8 yr-old girl not related -by child protection law?

Depends on the state

Can a girl toddler share a room with her 10 yr old sister?

yes, i dont see what would be the problem in that

How do you get under the fountain in poptropica?

you have to get a code from the girl wearing black in the mill. but first you have to get the secret message from the maids room on the left side of the castle and when you find the room go in and on the right side of the room there is a peice of paper,you take that to the girl and she will give you a code to get under the fountain.

What are the Massachusetts laws of opposite sex siblings sharing a bedroom?

There are no laws in the United States restricting siblings from sharing a room. Thus, it is perfectly legal for male and female siblings in Massachusetts to share a room. In apartment complex that there can not be any sharing of a room with brother and sister. Two brothers can share a room or two sisters can share a room. In a rented house or own your home that you can share a room with both genders. For example, You have an 11-year-old brother and an 8-year-old sister or the girl is 11 and the boy is 8. Go for it. Word of thumb. Living quarters in a family are private. This means we do not share things in public. When we have company over that they do not go into the living quarters of the home unless they are very close to the family.

Can you share a room with somebody on meez?

No I do not think you can share a room. But you should try

How do you share your room on meez?

all you have to do is go to your room and click on share room and the copy the URL on the address bar.

Where is the thumb drive in shrink ray island poptropica?

Under the bed in the girl's room

Does a thirteen year old girl get their own room?

Most girls that age have their own rooms. Some share with their sister or something.