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no triangle do not have four congruent angles

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Q: Can a triangle have four congruent angles?
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Does a scalene triangle have congruent angles?

No, An equilateral triangle has 3 congruent angles, an isosceles triangle has 2 congruent angles, a scalene triangle has no congruent angles.

If two angles in a triangle are congruent to two angles in another triangle then the angles are also congruent.?

If two angles in a triangle are congruent to two angles in another triangle, then the ______________ angles are also congruent.

What is the Ha postulate in geometry?

It is when there are four congruent angles and six congruent sides in a triangle.

A triangle with three congruent angles?

A triangle with three congruent angles

Is the isosceles triangle the only triangle with congruent sides and angles?

In an isosceles triangle 2 sides are congruent and 2 angles are congruent. In an equilateral triangle all 3 sides are congruent and all 3 angles are congruent also.

Is a triangle and rectangle congruent?

No, a triangle and a rectangle are not congruent. Congruent means exactly the same size and shape. A triangle has 3 sides while a rectangle has four. A triangle's three angles always add up to 180 degrees where as a rectangle's four right angles always equal 360 degrees. They are not congruent- not even similar- at all.

Does a quadrilateral triangle have exactly 3 congruent angles?

A quadrilateral shape has four sides and four internal angles. A triangle has three sides and three internal angles. Therefore there is no such thing as a quadrilateral triangle.

An angle not congruent to the base angles of an isosceles triangle?

The base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is not necessarily congruent to the base angles.

Does a triangle have to congruent angles?

yes, only the isosceles triangle has two congruent angles. But triangles don't need any congruent angles

Can a scalene triangle have two congruent angles?

no because if an scalene triangle had 2 congruent angles it wouldn't be a scalene it would be a isosceles triangle because an isosceles triangle is the only triangle with 2 congruent angles

If a triangle has two congruent angles is it isosceles?

Yes, because of the base angles theorem converse: If two angles in a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite the angles are congruent.

What triangle has no congruent angles?

a scalene triangle has no congruent sides or measures.