An obtuse triangle must have two acute angles and these can be congruent.
An obtuse scalene triangle would fit the given description
A triangle can have at most one obtuse angle, but triangles do not necessarily have any obtuse angles.
No right triangle can have any obtuse angles inside it.
An obtuse angle = an angle greater than 90 degrees.2 x (more than 90 degrees) = (more than 180 degrees).But the sum of all 3 interior angles of any triangle is always exactly 180 degrees.So: No triangle can have two obtuse angles.
No not ever because the 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees and so an obtuse triangle will have 1 obtuse and 2 acute angles.
An obtuse triangle does not always have three congruent sides. An obtuse triangle can be any form that always has three angles.
An obtuse scalene triangle would fit the given description
A triangle can have at most one obtuse angle, but triangles do not necessarily have any obtuse angles.
No right triangle can have any obtuse angles inside it.
An obtuse angle = an angle greater than 90 degrees.2 x (more than 90 degrees) = (more than 180 degrees).But the sum of all 3 interior angles of any triangle is always exactly 180 degrees.So: No triangle can have two obtuse angles.
yes, only the isosceles triangle has two congruent angles. But triangles don't need any congruent angles
No not ever because the 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees and so an obtuse triangle will have 1 obtuse and 2 acute angles.
0. A right triangle, by definition, will never include any obtuse angles.
3. Any triangle, whether it's obtuse or acute will always have 3 angles. Pink23
Learn the definitions. Any angle greater than 90º is obtuse. Two angles are congruent if and only if they are equal. For example, 105º ≠ 150º, but both are greater than 90º; therefore, they are not congruent. Obtuse, fersure!
Yes a triangle can have 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles. The 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees.