"The Perry Ellis 260 perfume is not available from that manufacturer at this time, there is however a 360 perfume. Perry Ellis does not appear to have ever made a 260 perfume line."
3.4666666 hours
1 year and 260 days
The idea is that three lines coming out from the center point of a circle (three radii) form three angles -- imagine, for an easy example, the Mercedes-Benz logo. Then the question is: if two of the angles each measure 130 degrees, what does the third angle measure? Well, the first two together measure 260 degrees. So, how many degrees in a circle overall are left, once 260 are taken out? There are 360 degrees in a circle, so the answer is 100.
195% of 260= 195% * 260= 1.95 * 260= 507
38% of 260= 38% * 260= 0.38 * 260= 98.8
2% of 260 = 2% * 260 = 0.02 * 260 = 5.2
31% of 260= 31% * 260= 0.31 * 260= 80.6
It is a time which is 260 minutes after the first.
To write 260 as a mixed number, you divide the number by the denominator of the fraction you want to express it as. Since 260 is an even number, you can simplify it by dividing by 2, which equals 130. Therefore, 260 can be written as the mixed number 130/1.