No. Only when fractions have a numerator bigger that their denominator can they be simplified as a mixed number.
1.65 as a simplified mixed number = 113/20
The simplified mixed number form of 25.15 is 253/20
one and one over eighteen.
It is: 6.002 = 3001/500 as a fraction simplified or 6 and 1/500 as a mixed number simplified
Forty-eight sevenths as a mixed number (in lowest terms) is: 66/7
Forty-two out of nine as a mixed number in simplest form = 42/3
9.06 = 453/50 as a fraction simplified 9.06 = 9 and 3/50 as a mixed number simplified
As a fraction it is 1911/200 simplified as a mixed number 9 and 111/200 simplified
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 119/72 is equal to 1 47/72 or one and forty-seven seventy-secondths.
it can't be a mixed number but i can be into 2 over 5