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Yes. Often hundreds and sometimes (eg in a population Census), millions.

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Q: Can frequency distribution contain more than 10 observations?
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Can frequency distributions contain more than ten observations?


What shows the values that a variable can take and the number of observations associated with each value?

measure of central tendency...Updating previous answer by prior responder...I believe the more accurate answer is a frequency distribution.

Why is a cumulative frequency distribution so much more informative than just the relative frequency distribution?

It is not. It depends on what question you want to answer. They are both equally informative, but in different circumstances.the CRFD can be used to determine a summary of proportion of observations that lies above(or below) a particular value in a data set which the RFD cannot

What does standard deviation tell about distribution and varity?

It is a measure of the spread of the distribution. The greater the standard deviation the more variety there is in the observations.

What are some benefits of representing data sets using graphs of frequency distribution?

Organizing the data into a frequency distribution may make patterns within the data more evident.

What is simple frequency distribution?

Simple frequency distribution is a method of organizing large data sets into more easily interpreted sets. An example is organizing sample test scores by the individual scores.

What is 2k rule?

The 2k or 2 to K rule is used to determine the number of classes for a frequency distribution. The 2k rule should be used as a guide more than a dictator of determining the number of classes for a frequency distribution.

What are some benefits of representing data sets using frequency distributions?

Organizing the data into a frequency distribution can make patterns within the data more evident.

What is a skewed right?

A distribution or set of observations is said to be skewed right or positively skewed if it has a longer "tail" of numbers on the right. The mass of the distribution is more towards the left of the figure rather than the middle.

What is skewed left?

A distribution or set of observations is said to be skewed left or negatively skewed if it has a longer "tail" of numbers on the left. The mass of the distribution is more towards the right of the figure rather than the middle.

Where can one find information about frequency distribution?

Information on frequency distribution can be found on many sites related to psychology and biotechnology. The About's Psychology page offers a good overview on the topic while the National Center for Biotechnology Information has a more in depth reading.

How many outliers can a data set have?

There is no agreed definition of an outlier and consequently, there is no simple answer to the question. The number of outliers will depend on the criterion used to identify them. If you have observations from a normal distribution, you should expect around 1 in 22 observations to be more than 2 standard deviations from the mean, and about 1 in 370 more than 3 sd away. You will have more outliers if the distribution is non-normal - particularly if it is skewed.