

Best Answer

No. The decimal part of pi never ends, and there are

no repeating groups of digits in it.

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Q: Can pi be written as a recurring decimal?
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Related questions

Is pi a recurring decimal a terminating decimal or an irrational number?

Pi is an irrational number

What kind of decimal is pi?

It is a non non-terminating, non-recurring decimal. It is an irrational number.

How do you write 5 over 6 as a recurring decimal?

5/6 written as a recurring decimal is 0.83333...

How do you write 7 over 9 as a recurring decimal?

7/9 written as a recurring decimal is 0.7777 repeating

What does terminating decimal mean in math?

Decimals can be "terminating" "recurring" or "other." A terminating decimal is one which is finite. Recurring and other decimals continue on forever. For instance 0.5 is a terminating decimal. 0.729 is a terminating decimal. 0.3333333... is not a terminating decimal. pi (3.1415926535....) is not a terminating decimal.

Can pi be written as a terminating decimal?


What is a fraction written as a decimal?

It is a decimal fraction: for example 0.25 or 0.166... recurring

What is the defition for terminating decimal?

It is a finite decimal (i.e. one that is not infinitely recurring. Thus pi, e and root 2 are not terminating decimals).

Is it possible to express every decimal as a fraction?

Not all decimals can be expressed as fractions. Only terminating and recurring decimals can be expressed as fractions. eg a recurring decimal: 0.3333333... = 1/3 A terminating decimal: 0.125 = 1/8 A decimal that does not recurr or terminate, cannot be expressed as a fraction. eg Pi = 3.141592654... Pi can not be expressed as a fraction as it does not recurr or terminate. It can only be approximated to a fraction. eg Pi ≈ 355/113 but is correct to 6 decimal places.

What type of decimal all the fraction can be written as?

Terminating or recurring.

What is pi to the last 14 digits?

pi is a transcendental number, which is a kind of irrational number. That means that the decimal representation of pi does not end (nor does it have a recurring sequence). There is, therefore, no last digit.

What is the number equivalent to the value of pi?

All numbers are unique and so there is no other number equal to pi. Pi is not a rational number so there is no fraction that is equal to pi. It has an infinitely long non-recurring decimal representation so there is no way to write a decimal eqiuvalent either.