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Q: Can smoking 4 smokes a day over i few years hurt you?
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Why is nose cancer less popular than lung cancer?

Well because lung cancer is caused by smoking and over 85% of the population smokes and nose cancer is not.

What to do if you like a guy in middle school that smokes weed?

Get over him and find someone at least halfway decent. A guy who's already smoking weed in middle school is nothing but trouble.

How many people in New Zealand smoke tobacco?

As of 2021, approximately 12.4% of New Zealand's adult population smokes tobacco. This percentage has been declining steadily over the years due to public health campaigns and smoking cessation programs.

How bad is smoking for a 20 year boy?

It's safe to estimate that one would cut about 3 years off of the life of a light smoker that smokes 20 cigarettes a month. However, due to the addictive nature of smoking 20 cigarettes a month would lead to a higher number over time.

How many teenagers have died from smoking cigarettes over the past ten years?


What age do kids start smoking all over the world?

The average age that kids start smoking around the world is 13 years old.

Is it illegal to sell smokes if you are 15 im Victoria?

Same rules applies all over Canada, anybody can purchase smokes and sell them at any age to other people, because they aren't a drug. However, if selling as a teenager, requires a parents approval or they may be fined with a smoking ticket. 17 year ex-cop

How smoking has changed over the years?

It hasn't changed! It still damages your lungs! So don't smoke!

How smoking affects your lungs?

Over the years all of the chemicals from the cigarets gradually eat and damage your lungs.

How long before black lungs start to turn pink again when you quit smoking?

Actually they can over time. It takes about a few years but if you start smoking again it will ruin all your progress and will have to start over the quiting process.

Why is smoking accepted as social?

Smoking is accepted as a social activity because people have smoked for years. Nonsmokers typically honor a person's right to choose to smoke over their own health.

Has teen smoking increased or decreased in the past 5 years?

Smoking has really increased coz what people smoke is readily available and being manufactured all over so it has increased