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Yes, but in uniform motion.

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Q: Can the average velocity of a body be the same as the instantaneous velocity?
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Can the average velocity of the body be the same as instantaneous velocity?

Yes, the average velocity of the body can be same as the instantaneous velocity at a small time interval.The values of the average and the instantaneous velocities approach each other , as the length of time interval is decreased.

Would instantaneous velocity yield the same value as average velocity?

Only if the velocity is constant.

Compare and contrast velocity and instantaneous speed?

velocity is just a general term for speed (it could be average velocity or instantaneous velocity). Instantaneous velocity/speed (same thing) is the speed at that second. If you are familiar with calculus, it is the derivative of the position graph. Whereas average velocity is how fast the object is going in, for example, 1 hour, it is the speed that is maintained the whole hour (or the average) Instantaneous would be that at the second, at for example t=1.425, the speed is 24m/h . something along those lines

Can the average speed ever equal the instantaneous speed?

When there is no acceleration or when there is constant acceleration. When either of these cases is present, the graph of velocity versus time will be linear. When there is linear velocity, the average velocity will equal the instantaneous velocity at any point on the graph.

How is velocity same from instantaneous speed?

Instantaneous speed is the magnitude of the velocity. Velocity also states the [direction] of the speed.

What Is the difference between velocity and average velocity?

Velocity is an instantaneous measure. Mathematically, it is the limiting value of the change in the position vector divided by the change in time as the latter tends to zero. Over larger time periods, the average velocity is the total change in the position vector divided by the total change in time. If velocity is constant, the average velocity will be the same as the instantaneous velocity.

Are instantaneous velocity and acceleration the same?


When is the average velocity is equal to the instantaneous velocity?

Average velocity equals the average speed if (and only if) the motion is in the same direction. If not, the average speed, being the average of the absolute value of the velocity, will be larger.

What does velocity divided by the time interval equal?

It equals an undefined entity. The average acceleration of an object equals the CHANGE in velocity divided by the time interval. The term "change in velocity" is not the same as the term "velocity", "average velocity", or "instantaneous velocity".

Can the average velocity of a body be the same as the instateneous velocity?

Yes, But in uniform motion only.

How does average velocity differ from instsntaneous velocity?

If a 5 mile stretch of a bus journey lasts 15 minutes, then the average speed over this stretch was 20mph. But undoubtedly the bus achieved greater speeds than this, and it also spent time sitting still in queues. So the simple answer to the question is 'yes'. Less trivially and more interestingly: unless velocity is actually constant, then an object's average velocity over a finite time interval - and hence any empirical measurement of its speed - must (nearly always) differ from the instantaneous velocity. As the time period grow closer to zero, the measured velocity will converge on the instantaneous figure, but will never reach it.

How is instantaneous speed different from average?

The average speed is the speed that it takes to travel a certain distance in a certain time. Average speed is determined by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to get there. Instantaneous speed is a certain speed at any given time.