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Q: Can the coefficient in a math problem be an irrational number?
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What is a table coefficient in math terms?

well the coefficient in math is the number before the varibal.

What is a coefficient in math?

A coefficient is a number before a variable. For example, in 2x, the 2 would be the coefficient

What does the term coefficient mean in math?

A coefficient is any number in front of a variable .

What does coefficient mean in math terms?

a coefficient is the number before the variable.example- 4y the 4 before the y is the coefficient.

What does coefficient mean in math?

The coefficient in math basically means the number that is placed right next to a variable. An example can be in 3x+4. The numerical coefficient would be 3.

Is the square root of 31 irrational?

The square root of the number 31 is irrational. This is used in math.

Is pi sign in math a rational number?

No, it is irrational as it has no end

What is the coefficient of x in math problem 7x plus 3?

7 is the coefficient.X is the variable.3 is a constant.And this is an expression, not a problem.

What is the definition of the math pie?

Mathamatical pi is an irrational number. It classifys as an irrational number because the numbers never repeat and pi is a never ending number.

Why 8 out of 23 irrational?

The numbers 8 and 23 are irrational number because they do not go into any more number than themselves. This is taught in math.

What are coefiants in math?

The coefficient is the number to be multiplied by the unknown variable as for example 3x whereas 3 is the coefficient and x is the unknown variable.

What does ceofficent mean in math terms?

the number with the variable. For example, in 6x, the coefficient is 6.