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Yes, if the buoyancy is greater.

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Q: Can the gravitational potential energy of a system be negative?
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What is the definition of gravitional potential energy?

The definition of Gravitational potential energy is In physics, potential energy is the energy stored in a body or in a system due to its position in a force field or due to its configuration

Is gravitational energy potential energy?

Energy of a system of masses which changes their relative to each other under the action of their mutual gravitational force.

What the gravitational potential energy?

Energy of a system of masses which changes their relative to each other under the action of their mutual gravitational force.

What is the gravitational potential energy?

Energy of a system of masses which changes their relative to each other under the action of their mutual gravitational force.

If you lift an apple from the ground to some point above ground the gravitational potential energy in the system increases the potential energy is stored where?

the gravitational field between earth and the apple

What kinds of energy does the internal energy of a system include?

There are different types of potential energy; this includes: elastic energy; gravitational potential energy; chemical energy; nuclear energy.

What happens to the value of the Gravitational Potential Energy of a system of objects as the value of r increases?

The Potential energy decreases as r increases.

Is potential energy in k-shell is negative then why?

bcoz the energy of bound system is always negative

Elastic energy is the total potential and kinetic energy in a system?

No. For example a falling stone is converting potential energy of gravitational attraction into kinetic energy, and there is no elastic energy.

What is gravataional energy?

Answer: it is the force that pulls you down when you jump Answer: When you push an object up, you are doing work (transferring energy) against the gravitational pull. This energy is stored in the object (or, more precisely, in the system Earth-object), as potential energy - more precisely, as gravitational potential energy. Do some reading on "potential energy" for more details.

What energy does an object have because of its position?

It depends on the circumstances but usually such energy is referred to as potential energy. For example your position in a gravitational field may determine the gravitational potential energy. Likewise your position in a spring system may determine the potential energy of the spring.

Can bungee jumping have gravitational potential energy and how?

Yes, potential energy is an energy something has because of its position in a gravitation field. Thus the jumper standing on the bridge before the jump has gravitational potential energy. When the jumper jumps the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (the energy something has because of it motion) an is also stored in the rubber band as elastic strain energy. When the energy stored in the rubber band exceeds the kinetic energy the jumper halts and bounces back and the energy in the rubber is re converted into potential energy. The jumper oscillates on the rubber rope until the energy loss due to friction and wind resistance uses up the potential energy present in the system at the start of the jump and the jumper hangs still from the rope.