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yes since the 3rd vector will be parallel to the resultant of the 1st and 2nd vector

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Q: Can three vectors be added using the parallelogram method?
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Is the order of addition important when three or more vectors are added?

No it has no effect.

Is it is possible to add three vectors of equal magnitude and get zero?

Yes. Vectors contain both magnitude and direction. Graphically three vectors of equal magnitude added together with a zero sum would be an equilateral triangle.

Can three vectors of equal magnitudes be added to give a vector of same magnitude and how?

Only if the magnitude of all three vectors equals 0.Suppose three vectors (xi), (xj), (xz) are added. If the above statement is true then adding these three vectors should give a magnitude of x(x2 + x2 + x2)1/2 = xSquaring both sidesx2 + x2 + x2 = x22x2=0The above expression is only solvable for x = 0Hence the answer to the above equation is no, unless both vectors are the zero vector.

Can the triangle law of vector addition be used for many vectors?

no because triangle only contain three vectors and if many vector are added then they cant form a triangle

Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero resultant can three vectors?

Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.

What is the three vectors arrangement if their resultant is zero?

A triangle of vectors, in which the sides are the three vectors arranged head-tail.

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant if not can three vectors be combine?

Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.

How do you show that that the three vectors are coplanar?

Three vectors are coplanar if they sum to zero. V1 + V2 + V3 = o means the three vectors are coplanar.

Can two vectors having different magnitude be compined to give a zero resultant can three vector?

Two vectors, no; three vectors yes.

When was Vectors in three-dimensional space created?

Vectors in three-dimensional space was created in 1978.

Can three vectors of different magnitude be combined to give a zero resultant and can three vectors?


How can you add three vectors of equal magnitude in a plane such as their resultant is zero?

Take any three vectors in a plane which, when placed end-to-end form a triangle. The resultant of the three vectors will be zero.