

Best Answer

Two vectors: no.

Three vectors: yes.

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Q: Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant if not can three vectors be combine?
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Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant. if not can three vectors be so combined?

No, it is not possible to combine two vectors of different magnitudes to give a zero resultant. However, it is possible to combine three or more vectors of different magnitudes and directions to give a zero resultant if they form a closed polygon or if they are in equilibrium.

How do you combine forces acting in different directions?

To combine forces acting in different directions, you can use vector addition. Break each force into its horizontal and vertical components, then sum the horizontal components together and the vertical components together to find the resultant force in each direction. Finally, combine the horizontal and vertical components to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force.

Is it possible to combine two unequal vectors to give a zero resultant?


How do you combine force vector?

To combine force vectors, use vector addition. Add the x-components of the forces together to get the resultant x-component, and then do the same for the y-components. The magnitude and direction of the resultant force can be found using trigonometry.

Can two vectors having different magnitude be combined to give a zero resultantis it possible for three vectors?

-- The minimum magnitude that can result from the combination of two vectors is the difference between their magnitudes. If their magnitudes are different, then they can't combine to produce zero. -- But three or more vectors with different magnitudes can combine to produce a zero magnitude.

Can two vectors having same magnitude combine together can give zero resultant?

Yes, if they are pointing in opposite directions (separated by 180°).

How do you find resultant velocity?

When you combine 2 velocities that are in the same directions, add them together to find the resultant velocity. When you combine 2 velocities that are in opposite directions, subtract the smaller velocity from the larger velocity to find the resultant velocity.

What are two important things about forces when forces are combined?

When forces are combined, the resultant force is determined by both the magnitude and direction of the individual forces. The direction of the resultant force depends on the relative direction of the individual forces. The resultant force can be found using vector addition or the parallelogram of vectors method.

What is join in sql?

join combine the two table to gv a resultant set

How do you find the resulting velocity?

When you combine 2 velocities that are in the same directions, add them together to find the resultant velocity. When you combine 2 velocities that are in opposite directions, subtract the smaller velocity from the larger velocity to find the resultant velocity.

What is the maximum net force possible of two forces with a magnitude of 25N and 15N?

Depending on the angle between them, those two forces can combine to producea resultant anywhere between 10N and 40N. The maximum of 40N occurs whenboth forces act in exactly the same direction.

When two or more elements combine in a fixed ratio then what is the resultant product called?
